Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 992 / 428

Reverse phone number lookup prefix 992-428

Recent Messages for 992-428


Your refund of $399 which you have paid to our company for your computer service. Unfortunately the company is shutting down it's operations and cannot provide you the services any more in the future. Due to the policy changes in the IT department so that is why you are going to get the refund back for the subscription which you paid to us and we have tried the lot of time to contact you but we are not able to reach you in order to reach me back to get your refund press one otherwise press two to disconnect the call. Hello this is Jack and I'm calling you from the refund department and this call is in regard to your refund of $399 but you have paid to our company for your computer services. Unfortunately the company is shutting down it's operations and cannot provide you the services any more in the future. Due to the policy changes in the IT department so that is why you are going to get the refund back for the subscription which you paid to us and we have tried the lot of time to contact you but we are not able to reach you in order to reach me back to get your refund press one otherwise press two to disconnect the call.

Recent Reports for 992-428

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Phone Numbers in 992-428