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(989) 839-2290 was a Tax Debt Reduction Spam

Map of Midland, MI US
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A tax refund of up to $32,220 through the self employed tax credit program. This program is a provision of the families First Corona virus response act designed by congress to provide self employed individuals with sick pay for those days they were unable to work due to COVID related issues. If you are a 1099 worker a sole proprietor or filed a schedule see you could be entitled to a direct deposit refund into your bank account. Whether you worked in construction as a handyman a ride share driver or any other independent contractor. This program is here to support you during these challenging times. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get the financial assistance you deserve. Press one now to find out how much you are Road or press two if you wish to decline all similar notifications again press one to learn more please choose now. Otherwise this message will now end and notification log is complete. Hello this is an important government announcement. Attention self employed individuals who experienced COVID-19 in 2020 or 2021. The government has an important announcement for you. Now you may be eligible for a substantial sick pay tax refund of up to $32,220 through the self employed tax credit program. This program is a provision of the families First Corona virus response act designed by congress to provide self employed individuals with sick pay for those days they were unable to work due to COVID related issues. If you are a 1099 worker a sole proprietor or filed a schedule see you could be entitled to a direct deposit refund into your bank account. Whether you worked in construction as a handyman a ride share driver or any other independent contractor. This program is here to support you during these challenging times. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get the financial assistance you deserve. Press one now to find out how much you are Road or press two. If you wish to decline all similar notifications again press one to learn more please choose now. Otherwise this message will now end and notification log this complete.


shin(?) for your self employed tax refund is now a good time to chat. Okay. I've been assigned to contact you because you may qualify for a tax refund as a self employed individual. Now that we're connected. Can I go ahead and get you out that information to you today great going to do now is deliver you to our automated information retrieval system which will explain all the details. One moment here we go. Hello this is an important government announcement. Attention self employed individuals who experienced COVID-19 in 2020 or 2021. The government has an important announcement for you. Now you may be eligible for a substantial sick pay tax refund of up to $32,220 through the self employed tax credit program. This program is a provision of the families First Corona virus response act designed by congress to provide self employed individuals with sick pay for those days they were unable to work due to COVID related issues. If you are a 1099 worker or sole proprietor or filed a schedule see if you could be entitled to a direct deposit refund into your bank account. Whether you worked in construction as a handyman a ride share driver or any other independent contractor. This program is here to support you during these challenging times. Don't miss out on this opportunity to get the financial assistance you deserve. Press one now to find out how much you are Road or press two if you wish to decline all similar notifications again press one to learn more please choose now. Otherwise this message will now end and notification log is complete. Hello this is an important government announcement. Attention self employed individuals who experienced COVID-19 in 2020 or 2021. The government has an important announcement for you. Now you may be eligible for a substantial sick pay tax refund of up to 32,220.


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Tax Debt Reduction Spam

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(989) 839-2290

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