Reverse Phone Number Lookup
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Reverse phone number lookup prefix 985-221

Recent Messages for 985-221


to reach you in regards to the scheduled processing. Several attempts have been made and there has been no response. Your case will be closed today and processed out. To exercise your right and to resolve this complaint directly, please press 1 to speak with the live agent or contact our office at (855) 449-5025.


Hi, this is Jen with the Tax Solutions Center and I am calling you in reference to your outstanding tax matter. You've been pre-qualified and tentatively scheduled for our comprehensive conference call consultation. Please give me a call back at (505) 510-8610 to confirm your appointment. Just so you know, we can have the state or federal taxing authority solve your problem over the phone almost immediately with just one call as long as one of our tax relief specialists are on the phone with you, advocating for you. Please call us back at (505) 510-8610 to qualify for the call. Our free service helps people get relief and get out of collections by connecting them with the taxing authority over the phone via conference call. We believe you qualify for this service. Please call back to reserve your appointment.


Hello, my name is Mary Fletcher state number F F 694. This is a notification call from our Department of tax debt and financial settlement Services. The purpose of this call is to inform all us citizens on our state list about the new tax debt compromise program. This program is part of the American rescue plan put into effect by the Biden administration and is now open for enrollment the new tax owed compromise program will allow you to significantly reduce or eliminate your tax debt your tax that can now be considered temporarily non, collectible. However, you must elect to enroll into the program. Now, it is only open for a limited time to enroll in the tax debt compromise program. Please call me back at my assigned number 866-596-0137. This message has been marked completed by Mary Fletcher state number S S 694 please call our number. If you have already settled your tax debt and would like to be removed from our state lists.

Recent Reports for 985-221

2 calls with in 30 minutes

11/1/23 10:47 AM

Call came in wjth a different number than recorded in vm

A YouMail Subscriber
2/21/22 8:41 AM

They try to get moeby

A YouMail Subscriber
9/6/21 12:10 PM

Collectors and not pertaining to me

6/17/21 5:29 PM

Insurance sales cslls many times a day

4/23/21 7:40 AM

These spam calls asking fa momey

A YouMail Subscriber
4/6/21 9:13 AM

This is a horrible thing tgat happens at least once a week

A YouMail Subscriber
2/19/21 4:09 PM

I tried calling the number back and the number was not a working number.

2/19/21 4:09 PM

Frequent calls and hang ups

A YouMail Subscriber
2/19/21 4:09 PM

These lpathetic disgraces to humanity called before 8am, and then repeatedly called as if I would take them seriously.

2/19/21 4:09 PM

Phone Numbers in 985-221