Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 866 / 516

Reverse phone number lookup prefix 866-516

Recent Messages for 866-516


An inmate at Douglas County Jail. This call is subject to recording and monitoring. If you don't wish to talk hang up now. Sorry the caller was disconnected. No minutes will be deducted or charges incurred.


An inmate at Parker County Jail. Calls are subject to recording and monitoring except between attorney and client. Three way calls are prohibited. Your phone does not accept collect calls. This call has been provided by Tell Link as a courtesy for friends and family. You cannot receive additional calls from this inmate until you set up a prepaid account. We can take your credit or debit card information over the phone and connect you immediately back to your call. This call is subject to recording and monitoring. Press one to accept. All communications from this inmate until May. To deny this call press two. If you wish to only accept this call and block future calls from this inmate press three. For more information about the inmate calls press five. Press one to accept. All communications from this inmate until May. To deny this call press two. If you wish to only accept this call and block future calls from this inmate press three. For more information about this call press five. Your call has been disconnected. Goodbye.


Has requested that you pay for this call. If you don't wish to talk hang up now. Sorry the caller was disconnected. No minutes will be deducted or charges incurred.

Recent Reports for 866-516

Is telecommunications from an inmate from jail

4/5/24 9:44 PM

This calls are from an inmate in Twin Falls county jail they are acceptable

A YouMail Subscriber
11/30/23 2:46 PM

Jail call it's ok from Bonneville county jail Christine Hamilton

A YouMail Subscriber
11/4/23 3:23 AM

This is a county jail.

8/29/23 4:39 PM

I don't know anyone in this OK prison

7/22/23 5:42 PM

It is a safe call

7/20/23 5:50 PM

It's a number that is used for inmates in county jail.

A YouMail Subscriber
6/15/23 4:02 PM

This is the call back number that Ada County Jail uses for inmates trying to reach their families and friends.

5/2/23 2:05 PM

Automated call requesting account setup for future calls from an inmate.

2/12/23 6:40 PM

This a jail phone call

2/10/23 8:19 AM

Phone Numbers in 866-516