Typical Messages
I knew that a 65" smart TV from Walmart membership was bogus if it was shipped thru best buy. Read the writing from the beginning they say tv but then switchboard iPad. Says charge no more than $3 shipping but at the end want to charge $5. Since when does a 65" tv ship for $5?? All these ads... you won... read carefully... you have bought entry to a sweepstakes. That's why they say 'good luck' At the end After first $5 entry fee... its $39.99 a month to win nothing. It's all bs. Why isn't the attorney general involved. This is FCC /UCC/ & Several other federal law VIOLATIONS..... also because between states it's fbi's responsibility to be involved.
Major thief's...
please cancel the registration I am already reporting it to the bank
Don't reply, send money, nothing scammed me out of 35 bucks. I knew better but they got to me thru my Kohls membership. I tried to call several times false number