Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 754 / 322 / 2000
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(754) 322-2000 is a School Announcement


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Map of Fort Lauderdale, FL US

School Announcement


Fort Lauderdale, FL US

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Dear Broward County public schools' families, our district is committed to sharpening reading and writing skills across all grade levels, and we are asking parents to join the effort. Join the... Dear Broward County public schools' families, our district is committed to sharpening reading and writing skills across all grade levels, and we are asking parents to join the effort. Join the BCPS Innovative Learning Department and the Parent and Community Involvement Task Force on September 19th at 6.30 p.m. for the webinar, Parent University, Literacy, Engagement through Parental Involvement. Topics include fun and engaging ways to improve your students' reading and writing skills, accessing textbooks in the district's media library, tips and tricks that lead to improvement, new programs available to all students, and the district's new reading initiative, and so much more. For more information or to access the webinar on Thursday, September 19th, please visit forward slash parentuniversity. ...


You have two messages good afternoon in an effort to improve system practices for our County school District is conducting a parent survey, we value your opinion and ask that you please take time to complete the survey in order to complete the survey please go to the link provided in the email version of this message or you may find the link available on our website. Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your office opinion is appreciated. Thank you for taking your time to complete the survey have a wonderful day next message. Good afternoon in an effort to improve system practices. The Broward County school District is conducting a student survey, we value your opinion and ask that you please take time to complete the survey the survey link may be found and the email version of this message or on our website. Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous. Your honest opinion is appreciated. Thank you for taking your time to complete the survey hav...


Good afternoon Broward County School District is conducting a parent survey. We value your opinion and ask that you please take time to complete the survey. Please be assured that your responses to this survey will be anonymous your honest opinion is appreciated. The surveys will be available online only in English Spanish Haitian Creole and Portuguese. Please see your email for the survey link. Thank you. Have a good night. To opt out of future messages. Call 855-502-7867.


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(754) 322-2000

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Non- other- then

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