Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 742 / 861

Reverse phone number lookup prefix 742-861

Recent Messages for 742-861


Hi this is Daniel from Amazon Customer Service. My employee ID AMG 8765 8873 and I am calling here about Amazon prime account. I wanted to inform you that your Amazon prime account is been compromise as there is an order for iPhone and were $349 a week party at with amazon(?) is been charged but we placed calls(?) on it and that order is being to be fraudulent. Press one to talk with Amazon Fraud Department executive. Hi this is Daniel from Amazon Customer Service. My employee ID AMG 80 7065 the 873 and I am calling to hear about Amazon prime account. I wanted to inform you that your Amazon prime account is been compromised and there is an order for iPhone 10-more(?) $349 for which card attached with Amazon is been charge but we placed hold on it and that order is being to be fraudulent. Press one to talk with Amazon Fraud Department executive.


Side to receive up to 25% discount on your electric bill. Please press one on your phone now to speak to a representative. That's the digit one on your phone. Press it now to receive up to 25% discount on your PSC and G electric bill.

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Phone Numbers in 742-861