Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 699

Reverse phone number lookup area code 699

Recent Messages for 699


Hi, this is Officer Sarah Schultz calling you from the legal department the very second you receive this message you need to leave your work aside, so that we can discuss about your case and take necessary action on this matter in order to connect federal agent press one and you will be connected to the concern department. If we don't hear from you then we will be forced to take legal action against you press one and you will be connected to the concern department.


Thank you for choosing Visa and MasterCard Services at legal financial Advisers. This is an important message regarding your existing credit card accounts thanks to your good payment history and the credit score and qualified finally for interested Watsonville 3025% several attempts will need to reach you to do a final courtesy call before we are unable to lower your interest rate so press one now. Thank you for choosing do that and MasterCard Services as a new book financial Advisers. This is an important message regarding your existing credit card account. Thank you. Good history and the credit score and qualified finally for an interest rate reduction 2025% several attempts will need to retrieve your final courtesy call before we are unable to lower your interest rate so press one now.


Authorized charge of $120 from unknown IP address. Estimated location in Dayton Ohio. Kindly press one to talk with our Amazon Security Department thank you.

Recent Reports for 699

Hello my name is Eva men's this is a notification call from our department of tax debt and financial settlement services the purpose of this call is to inform all US citizens on our state list about the new tax debt compromise program this program is part of the American rescue plan put into affect by the Biden administration and is now open for enrollment the new tax owed compromise program will allow you to significantly reduce or eliminate your tax debt your tax debt can now be considered temporally non-collectible however you must elect to enroll into the program now it is only open for a limited time to enroll in the tax debt compromise program please call me back at my assigned number 321-326-1228 this message has been marked Voice message shows the number 737-344-1046

12/28/21 9:47 AM