Reverse Phone Number Lookup
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Reverse phone number lookup prefix 656-221

Recent Messages for 656-221


Hi, it's Susan calling you from Tax Resolution Center. Just go ahead and give me a call back at 8666440156 It's regarding your back income tax debt. I've got some great news for you though with some new changes that have recently taken effect and I just wanted to discuss your repayment or elimination options. It's imperative that I speak to you just as soon as possible. So again, my phone number is 8666440156 I look forward to hearing from you and have a great day. And if you'd like to opt out on future calls, please call back the toll-free number.


Hello again, this is Stephanie Wright from the Activation Department. Give me a call back at (617) 752-0438. And our file shows that you've got some back taxes to still do. I'm calling to let you know that you can now apply for them to be forgiven by using the Zero Tax Forgiveness Initiative. Any small or large amounts may be forgiven through this program, but it's imperative that we start the enrollment now. So give me a call back so we can get you signed up. It's really quick. It's a fast one-time thing. So I'll keep your file open for when you call in. Once again, my phone number is (617) 752-0438. If you aren't interested anymore, please call back and press 2 to be removed from our list. Talk to you soon.


Hey, it's Jasmine Garcia from the Relief Center. Call me at (512) 798-8123. And our records indicate you have some back taxes owed. I'm calling because you're now eligible to get them eliminated by using the full tax elimination program. Your current tax balances may be reduced or eliminated through this program, but it's imperative that we start the enrollment now. So give me a call back so we can start it for you. It's super simple. It's an easy one-time thing. So I'll keep your file open for when you call in. My number is (512) 798-8123. If you've already fixed this, call us back and press 2 to be put on our Do Not Call list. Look forward to speaking with you.

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