Hi, my name is John Newman, my number is (833) 754-3906. I want to follow up with you again about your loan, although we sent you in the mail. You are pre-approved for $44,000. Just want to see if you're still interested. We can have you funded in as little as 24 hours on completion of the application and tailor our payment methods to your budget. Software is only valid for a limited time and only extended to preferred clients. So please call me back at (833) 754-3906. Hope you have a blessed day. And if you're no longer interested, please call me back to be taken off of our call list.
Hi, it's John Fredricks from the Relief Center. You can reach me at (214) 817-0694. My computer is showing that you might have some back taxes owed. I'm calling because you're now eligible to apply to have them eliminated with the total tax forgiveness program. All back taxes owed are now non-collectible through this program, but we need to file it this week, so give us a call back and we can handle it for you. It takes just a few minutes. It's a fast one-time thing. I'll keep your account open for the next day or two. My number is (214) 817-0694. If you aren't interested anymore, just give us a call back, press 2. You'll be removed from the list. Thank you.
Hello, I'm sorry that I missed you. I was just going to help you fix your payday loan problem. If you have more payday loans than you can do that or feel like your payday loans are taking over your life, you need to qualify for a loan program that payday loan companies don't want you to know about. Payday loan companies press you into paying a high rate and they get more payday loans than they can handle. One or more payday loans is all you need to qualify. We'll help you regain control of your payday loans and even provide for training representation to protect you from payday lenders and help you get back on track. So if that sounds like something you're interested in, give us a call at 8889187155 for a free consultation and that way you can find out if the program's right for you. Again, give us a call, 8889187155 to put an end to your payday loan problem today. All right, we'll talk to you soon, goodbye.