Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 612 / 815

Reverse phone number lookup prefix 612-815

Recent Messages for 612-815


Hi. Hi. Hi. Hi. My name is Mary. My name is Mary. My name is Mary with Senior Health Advisors and Surgeons. How are you doing today? How are you doing today?


Hi this is Michelle with American Senior citizens Care. How are you doing today. Can you hear me. Hi this is Michelle with American senior citizens Care how are you doing today. Hello. Hi this is Michelle with American senior citizens Care. How are you doing today. Can you hear me. Hi this is Michelle with American senior citizens Care. How are you doing today. Hello. Hi this is Michelle with American senior citizens Care. How are you doing today. Can you hear me. Hi this is Michelle with American Senior citizens Care how are you doing today. Hello. Hi this is Michelle with American senior citizens Care. How are you doing today. Can you hear me. Hi this is Michelle with American Senior citizens Care. How are you doing today. Hello. Hi this is Michelle with American senior citizens Care how are you doing today. Can you hear me. Hi this is Michelle with American Senior citizens Care how are you doing today. Hello. Hi this is Michelle with American.


This is an important recorded recall message from Target Guest Relations. A recall was announced for the Fisher Price Baby Biceps Gift Set. The gray caps on the end of the dumbbell toy can come off, posing a choking hazard to infants. Our records indicate someone at this number purchased the Fisher Price Baby Biceps Gift Set. Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled dumbbell toy, take it away from young children, and contact Fisher Price toll free at (855) 853-6224 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time Monday through Friday to receive a refund. For more information or for any questions on this recall, please contact Target Guest Relations at (800) 440-0680 between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Central Time Monday through Sunday. Guests can also visit and click on the recalls link at the bottom of the page.

Recent Reports for 612-815

Calling from Minneapolis, this appears to be Target's billing department. This appears to relate to a Target credit card or missed payment. To double check this is authentic, Target's website is and you can call your local Target's number.

YouMail Researcher
8/7/24 3:30 PM

Target. I don't remember giving Target my phone number. How did they get it?

2/5/24 8:47 PM

I never bought these kinds of granola bars from target . I would buy them from bj’s and ever since I got the recall in the mail I stopped

Ariana Knighton
1/26/24 3:24 PM

It's a recall notice, but I never consented to be called explicitly. Maybe there was some weird checkbox when we applied for the Target card or first logged in? It would be much nicer if they would simply e-mail.

Hate Spam
1/25/24 7:55 AM

Recall scam for granola bars bought at target. We did not buy.

1/24/24 4:07 AM

Legitimate recall notice from Target

A YouMail Subscriber
1/18/24 4:25 PM

This number belongs to Target. Is a legitimate call.

A YouMail Subscriber
11/13/23 6:38 PM

SPAM caller using tech to block phone from ringing and hangs up without leaving messages.

A YouMail Subscriber
10/4/23 10:15 AM

This is about my existing account with Target

A YouMail Subscriber
9/14/23 3:46 PM

Target hotline for recalled products

9/13/23 4:52 PM