Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 491

Reverse phone number lookup area code 491

Recent Messages for 491


Dear customer this call is from Amazon Customer Support. This is to notify you regarding your today's purchase on You have been charged $499.99 on your Visa card. If you have made this purchase on Amazon account and recognize it and simply hang up and your order will be delivered to you. However if you have not made any such transaction and want to cancel please press one and simply stay on the line to connect to our Amazon customer representative. Thank you.


Dear customer this call is from Amazon Customer Support. This is to notify you regarding your today's purchase on You have been charged $499.99 on your Visa card. If you have made this purchase on Amazon account and recognize it and simply hang up and your order will be delivered to you. However if you have not made any such transaction and want to cancel please press one and simply stay on the line to connect to our Amazon customer representative. Thank you.


Dear customer this call is from Amazon Customer Support. This is to notify you regarding your today's purchase on You have been charged $499.99 on your Visa card. If you have made this purchase on Amazon account and recognize it and simply hang up and your order will be delivered to you. However if you have not made any such transaction and want to cancel please press one and simply stay on the line to connect to our Amazon customer representative. Thank you.

Recent Reports for 491

Constantly calling,returned call and received a nonworking message. The idiot just called again.

2/19/21 4:09 PM