Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 314 / 888 / 1088
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(314) 888-1088 is a Tax Debt Reduction Spam


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Map of Saint Louis, MO US

Tax Debt Reduction Spam


Saint Louis, MO US

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Typical Messages


Hello, I assist Linda at TACS 113-33. When this message reaches you, do call her back on the same number. This call aims to notify you that you're back.


I am calling with an important update about debt solutions. Your eligible past due debts can now be non-collectible under the New Economic Recovery Initiative, meaning you no longer would need to repay them. Please, before you start making any payments, contact us to get a list of eligible debts and to discuss your options today. Again, my number is (866) 200-5251. Thanks, have a great day!


here for the National Tax Relief Program. How are you doing today? All right, so I've been tasked to personally contact you and make sure that you have been provided the information about the new National Tax Relief Program. This relevant information is extremely important with helping those that owe back taxes to rapidly clear their debt. So can you tell me if you currently owe any back taxes at this time? Okay, let me go ahead and get you this information then. One moment, please. Here we go. Okay, so this special program has been recently approved as of August 2022. The purpose of the tax dismissal program is to help those struggling with tax debt. However, there are certain requirements to be eligible. You cannot currently be in any other tax debt consolidation or settlement program. You cannot currently be in bankruptcy, and you must have a household income of under $250,000 a year. But you do have to have a monthly income of at least $2,000 a month. So I need to ask you, do you meet these minimum requirements for eligibility? Press one for yes, two for no. Okay, so this special program has been recently approved as of August 2022. The purpose of the tax dismissal program is to help those struggling with tax debt. However, there are certain requirements to be eligible. You cannot currently be in any other tax debt consolidation or settlement program. You cannot currently be in bankruptcy, and you must have a household income of under $2,000 a year. And you must have a household income of under $250,000 a year. But you do have to have a monthly income of at least $2,000 a month. So I need to ask you, do you meet these minimum requirements for eligibility? Press one for yes, two for no.


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Commonly Reported Names

Tax Debt Reduction Spam

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(314) 888-1088

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