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Directory / 314 / 888 / 1044
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(314) 888-1044 was a Debt Reduction Spam

Map of Saint Louis, MO US
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Hello, this is Linda from Debt Solutions. When you receive this message, please give me a call back at 18005077563 I'm reaching out to inform you about an important update regarding our Debt Forgiveness Program. All past two debts eligible under this program have now been placed in an uncollectible status, meaning you are no longer required to pay back these debts. This update is part of the new federal economic recovery initiative you might have heard about in the news. Additionally, it's worth noting that statistics show approximately 80% of all U.S. debt is recorded inaccurately. It's crucial to be aware of which of your debts are inactive due to this. Our program specializes in handling various types of debts, including medical bills, payday loans, college loans, and personal loans, among many more. We highly advise you not to pay any more of your debt until we discuss your options. Once again, my number is 18005077563 Thank you for your time, and I look forward to helping you soon.


here for the National Tax Relief Program. How are you doing today? All right, so I've been tasked to personally contact you and make sure that you have been provided the information about the new National Tax Relief Program. This relevant information is extremely important with helping those that owe back taxes to rapidly clear their debt. So can you tell me if you currently owe any back taxes at this time? Okay, let me go ahead and get you this information then. One moment, please. Here we go. Okay, so this special program has been recently approved as of August 2022. The purpose of the tax dismissal program is to help those struggling with tax debt. However, there are certain requirements to be eligible. You cannot currently be in any other tax debt consolidation or settlement program. You cannot currently be in bankruptcy, and you must have a household income of under $250,000 a year. But you do have to have a monthly income of at least $2,000 a month. So I need to ask you, do you meet these minimum requirements for eligibility? Press one for yes, two for no. Okay, so this special program has been recently approved as of August 2022. The purpose of the tax dismissal program is to help those struggling with tax debt. However, there are certain requirements to be eligible. You cannot currently be in any other tax debt consolidation or settlement program. You cannot currently be in bankruptcy, and you must have a household income of under $2,000 a year. And you must have a household income of under $250,000 a year. But you do have to have a monthly income of at least $2,000 a month. So I need to ask you, do you meet these minimum requirements for eligibility? Press one for yes, two for no.


back using the numbers showing on your caller ID. I'm reaching out to share some exciting news about our new health plan package tailored specifically for self-employed individuals. These health plan packages provide comprehensive coverage, lower copays, and deductibles, and include a PPO network that offers the freedom to choose your health care providers. Additionally, these plans include income protection to help ensure your financial stability. By opting for these plans, you'll discover numerous benefits and substantial savings compared to other options available in the market. Again, my direct number should show on your caller ID. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to assisting you soon.


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(314) 888-1044

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Everyfhing about youmail voicmail is very good so far. Only, had it for about a month. Will give another update in a few months.
An Android User

star star star star star
It does what it's supposed to do. I like how it transcribes the calls.
An Android User

star star star star star
Recommended by a customer and now I recommend whenever I sell a smartphone. Says it doesn't work with prepaid but I have both tracfone and straight talk and have it for bith devices and works fine. Only issue I have found is if your number came from another carrier (ie att) and u are using a different system (ie verizon) the app doesn't work unless u know the other carriers code. Other than that 5 stars
An Android User