Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 314 / 888 / 1012
Reverse phone number lookup

(314) 888-1012 was a Tax Debt Reduction Spam

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Hello? Hi. I am the assistant to the director here for the Federal Back Tax Alleviation Program. How's the day going? Hello? Hi. I am the assistant to the director here for the Federal Back Tax Alleviation Program. How's the day going?


Oh, hi. I am the assistant to the director here for the Economic Impact Assistance Division. How are you today? Hello? Oh, hi. I am the assistant to the director here for the Economic Impact Assistance Division. How are you today?


Need a moment of your time and I am actually working on getting important information over to you at that the new economic impact and data elimination and alternative loan program to the economic impact loan program has been designed to commence(?) all together your credit card debt diet I am putting it into at non-collectible status. There are no upfront cost to join the program. However the window for the special enrollment period will see in class. I was wondering if I could get that over to you just for you to review with that be okay. Okay please hold a minute while I retrieve the information. Okay. These programs have been developed to help stimulate the economy but they do have certain requirements to be eligible. You cannot currently be in any debt consolidation or settlement program. You cannot currently be in bankruptcy and you must have a household income of under $250,000 a year but you do have to have a monthly income of at least $2000 a month do you meet these minimum requirements. Press one for yes or two for no okay. These programs have been developed to help stimulate the economy but they do have certain requirements to be eligible. You cannot currently be in any debt consolidation or settlement program. You cannot currently be in bankruptcy and you must have a household income of under $250,000 a year but you do have to have a monthly income of at least $2000 a month do meet these minimum requirements. Press one for yes or two for no.


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(314) 888-1012

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I have tried numerous VM to email apps and I recommend this one without hesitation. This app is super easy to set up, use, and maintain.
An Android User

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This app is so powerful. I mean "personalized answering machine"? Wow. I even have custom messages just for the scam callers alone because auto blocking them just wasn't good enough. I wanted to waste THEIR time for a change. I don't get that people bellyache about it because one little feature here or there wasn't to their liking. Be constructive about your criticism, not hateful. In my case, the app blocks control of my media volume and puts voice call in its place. Its also buggy when you select 'all contacts' from the menu. It takes you to your contact list but theres no way to go back to the main menu. Even restarting the app does no good unless it is force stopped. Other key features that are on the web version are missing. I opted to uninstall and just use the service. Hopefully it will work ok that way.
An Android User

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Awsome Love this app always have. Down load it now.
An Android User