Recent Messages for 282-113
Customer this is Molly from Apple support. We have found some suspicious activity in your I cloud account. Your I cloud account has been breached or using any Apple device please contact capital advisors. Press one to connect with Apple support advisor press three to listen to this message again or if you wish to contact us later please call us back on 737-256-7788. Thank you.
Hi this is Daniel from Amazon Customer Service. My employee ID and eight 7855 the 873 and I am calling here about Amazon prime account. I wanted to inform you that your Amazon prime account is been compromised as there is an order for iPhone pen-were(?) $349 for which part attached to family-dollar(?) is been charged but we placed hold on it and that orders to be fraudulent. Press one to talk with Amazon Fraud Department the deck today. Hi this is Daniel from Amazon Customer Service. My employee ID AMG eight 7865 the 873 and I am calling here about Amazon prime account. I wanted to inform you that your Amazon prime account is been compromised and there was an order for 10-for(?) $349. The which part attached to the Amazon in-charge(?) but the place pulled on it and that order seems to be fraudulent. Press one to talk with Amazon Fraud Department.