Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 251 / 200

Reverse phone number lookup prefix 251-200

Recent Messages for 251-200


Hello, this is a pre-paid collect call from The blogger An incarcerated individual at Nevada Department of Corrections Northern Nevada Correctional Center This call is not private, it will be recorded and may be monitored If you believe this should be a private call, please hang up and follow the facility instructions To register this number as a private number To accept charges and consent to this recorded call, press 1 To refuse charges, press 2 To refuse charges, press 2 If you would like to permanent withdraw from the number from receiving calls from the facility Press 6 Formalance and rate quotes, press 7 To accept charges and consent to this recorded call, press 1 To refuse charges, press 2 If you would like to permanent withdraw from receiving calls from the facility, press 6 Formalance and rate quotes, press 7


Hello this is a prepaid collect call from an incarcerated individual at Muskegon County Jail. This call is not private it will be recorded and maybe monitored. If you believe this should be a private call please hang up and follow facility instructions to register this number as a private number. To accept charges and consent to this recorded call press one to refuse charges press two. If you would like to permanently block your number from receiving calls from this facility press six for balance and rate quotes press seven. To accept charges and consent to this recorded call press one to refuse charges press two. If you would like to permanently block your number from receiving calls from this facility press six for balance and rate quotes press seven.


call is subject to recording and monitoring. This call is subject to recording and monitoring. You have the right to remain silent. And if you choose to speak beyond this point, anything you say may be furnished to state and or federal prosecutors and may be used against you in a court of law. If this is an attorney client call, attorneys should hang up and call 9789323114 for verification of their telephone number to ensure it is marked privileged in the inmate telephone system. To accept this free call, press 1. To refuse this free call, press 2. If you would like to permanently block your number from receiving calls from this facility, press 6. To accept this free call, press 1. To refuse this free call, press 2. If you would like to permanently block your number from receiving calls from this facility, press 6.

Recent Reports for 251-200

Hav already x 2 why

A YouMail Subscriber
11/23/22 7:42 PM

This is my sister and it is not spam.

A YouMail Subscriber
6/14/22 9:23 AM

Missed call. I called back. All it does is play music ???? Like elevator music ??

2/19/21 4:09 PM

Phone Numbers in 251-200