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Directory / 210 / 981 / 1024
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(210) 981-1024 was a Tax Debt Reduction Spam

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Hello. This is Vivian Baker, and it's currently Monday, July 1. I'm calling from DS Solutions, the nonprofit organization. My number here is 8883552179 I was just reaching out to offer some information and a no-cost consultation regarding your past due or delinquent taxes. I hope to speak with you in person, but I can try to explain briefly here. We have two programs that I think might interest you. The first is a complete elimination program, which puts your entire past due balance into a non-collectible status. The second, which we think you'll find is more interesting, is the Fresh Start program. This works much like how it sounds, but there are some conditions. The good news is these could stop your wages from being garnished or your bank account levied. For the details, it would be better if you call us back when you have about five minutes. I'll keep your account open through the end of the week. And again, my number is 8883552179 If you'd like to opt out of future notifications, just call us back and press eight. You'll be automatically removed from our list. Goodbye.


Hello, this is Ava with the Tax Group at Debt Free Solutions, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping consumers live a debt-free life. My number is 8882813129 I was just calling to get some of the information you previously requested. I had to go to tell you about it in person, but I can explain briefly here. Regarding your past due state and federal taxes, we have two programs that might interest you. The first is a debt forgiveness program which puts your taxes into a non-collectible status. The second, which we think you'll find is more interesting, is the fresh start program. This works much like how it sounds that there are some conditions. The good news is these could stop your wages from being garnished or you're banked. For the details, it would be better if you could call us back. It doesn't take long and we can enroll you over the phone. I'll keep your account open through the end of the week and my number here is 8882813129 If you'd like to request an opt-out of future notification, it's no problem. Please just call us back at this number and press 8. You'll be automatically removed from future announcements. Thanks and have a wonderful day.


Hello, this is Ava Taylor and it's currently Friday, May 17th. I'm calling from Debt Free Solutions, the nonprofit organization. I was just reaching out to offer some information and a free consultation regarding your past due state and federal taxes. My number here is 8883552291 I had hoped to speak with you in person, but I can try to explain briefly here. We have two programs that I think might interest you. The first is a debt forgiveness program which puts your delinquent taxes into a non-collectible status. The second, which we think you'll find is more interesting, is the fresh start program. This works much like how it sounds, but there are some conditions. The good news is these could stop your wages from being garnished or your bank account levied. For the details, it would be better if you call us back. It doesn't take long and the consultation is completely free. I'll keep your account open to the end of the week. And again, my number is 8883552291 If you'd like to cancel your request and opt out of future notification, it's no problem. Please just call us back at this number and press 8. You'll be automatically removed from future announcements. Thanks and have a wonderful day.


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(210) 981-1024

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