Reverse Phone Number Lookup
Directory / 129

Reverse phone number lookup area code 129

Recent Messages for 129


Hello this call is to author of 900. We would like to inform you that there is an order placed for Apple iPhone 11 pro. Using your Amazon account if you do not authorize this order press one or press two to authorize this order.


Authorized it. So keep your credit cards with you let me connect you with a specialist to better assist you. This call maybe monitored and recorded for quality purpose. Press one to speak with a specialist now.


Hello, an important call from the legal department. The very second you receive this message and you need to consider it is your file already. So that Doctor eighth and necessary action on this matter since we didn't hear from you then we will be forced to take legal action against the Padres, we would like to confirm some information with you before taking legal action. If you want to talk with Ms. Frater please press one. I repeat press one. Thank you bye.

Recent Reports for 129

We don't need to place an Order The Season is over

Eric Fletcher
2/19/21 4:09 PM